{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf350 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} {\info {\author MIchael Kristof} {\*\company Kristof Creative, Inc.}...
There's a lot of blog posts and articles about LinkedIn profile optimization and it's actually really important to get that right if I were to tell you how to optimize your profile in...
This video will demonstrate how to access a library database. To search for scholarly articles, you will first need to select a database. To begin, go to the "Research" menu and...



Hi, I’m Denise Bennett, an Engineering Librarian at UF’s Marston Science Library. What’s in the Library Catalog? Search the Library Catalog to find books … … journal subscriptions … … documents and...
Hello. My name is Shiva Darbandi. I am the librarian for this course. I wanted to introduce myself and also let you know how very happy I am to be working with all of you. If you have any questions...



Once you have a list of words or phrases related to your topic, you need to enter them into whatever database or search engine you're using in the correct order, using the correct syntax. Put...
Have you ever been using one of our databases and couldn't quite find the full text? You may be wondering what is to Find It button? That's what you'll learn in this tutorial....



[ Music ] >> Greg: My name is Greg Spencer. I live in Woodridge, Virginia with my family. I go to school at George Mason University. I first considered being an MBA student when I left...



NARRATOR: Did you know that upwards of 75% of all employment opportunities are found through networking? The ProTech Job Seeker Work Group and the Job Support Network provide job-search support in...



Okay, let's go on. "Suna." Suna, a dental assistant, and Mona, a nurse, are two good friends having coffee and looking at newspaper ads for places to rent. I encourage my...