He had a shell that had liquid kind of purple But not really purple, maybe really dark blue But that's not the point, let me tell you He was a the Mexican Pepsi turtle Who wandered the desert,...
(Opens pepsi) Here. Thanks. Im going to take my nap now. (Wakes up) WHAT IN JIMMENY CHRISTMAS IS THAT???!!!! That? Yeah, that! It's a cat. Oh, okay. Im going back to my nap and dont you DARE...
Hi! I'm Artturi and hes.. he. Today we are cooking Battery and Pepsi Max. We will mix them together. I accidently bought this no sugar Pepsi, and it's not that good, And Dr Pepper...
A Simple Lunch >>Patrick: “Hi, welcome to Pepsi with Brigid. I’m Patrick Hughes. We started this blog for two reasons. (1) Just to talk about inclusion, i.e., the process of getting...
coca-cola said according to the asia last fall's press coca-cola says that it's going to lower levels of a chemical in carmel coloring to comply with a california law but insisted the...
>> Patrick: Welcome to Pepsi with Brigid, we are off to get a bite to eat at Herm's Palace and I'm going to take my mom to go see some signs. I have been obsessed with...
hey guys this is a pepsi machine , a miniature pepsi machine that i just made 5-10 minutes ago probably its a diet pepsi machine 'cause when school stopped letting us to bring soda so I just...
his visa all right on sea and the other day i was walking through coming to the store and siding to drink called uh... pepsi next basically looks like a you know one of your habitat the doctor pepper...



Subtìtulos y traducción: Petersen Media™ 2010 ¿Nos puedes dar una Pepsi? - Tendran que jugar por ellas. - ¿No sabes quienes somos? Y tu... ¿Sabes quienes somos? - OK. - ¿Donde esta la cancha? Oh...



What if... you could recreate a life size prehistoric world for people of all ages to tour? What if...you could help build it along side artists from all over the world? What if... every dinosaur......