Hi! I’m Stephanie Phillips for expertvillage.com and this segment is about passport cost. Everyone’s going to need a U.S. passport if you’re traveling to Canada, Mexico if you’re driving or if you’re...
Hey! What’s up, Neal? Nothing much! Just trying to find out how to get a passport. You just need the correct documents to apply for one. Yeah? But I don’t know which documents are needed. You’re...



Uncertainly over the fate of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was further compounded Saturday by reports that two men whose names matched those on the passenger manifest had reported their...
KIRSTEN TEKULA: It's the greatest adventure. There's nothing like meeting new people and seeing new places and tasting new food. ANNOUNCER: There are some health risks for anyone who...
MEL: I feel like, as a young person, I have a voice when I'm talking to people that are the same age as me. JAMIE: Older people don't really give young people a chance because we...
Passport Mentoring is a way for students with intellectual disabilities to connect with professionals in the community that they could tap into after they finish high school. Alex - he has a history...
We work with high school students who have intellectual disabilities. And the idea is that by helping them explore their interests while they're in high school, they're better able to...
My cousins. Is he deaf-mute like us? No, but he understands some. What is your name? Chieko. My name's Haruki. It's whisky. Do the cops come around here? Sometimes. You smell good....

