Dear friends distinguished guests ladies and gentlemen i'd like to thank every single one of you for coming here today today we are here to celebrate the ninety-fifth anniversary of the...



>>I think it's time to pull out the flags & umm >>maybe unwrinkle them because they're fucking wrinkled >>eesh, I hate housecleaning...
uh... are decency hello i'll be speaking to you about and efficiency anne you will and what and efficiency and meaning it is signs and symptoms and how to treat ephedrine and efficiency and...



and we're back on the PowerShell so the mic rip is back but the Maghrib is nasty America so as always the and over everybody the anticipating the annual return of the McDonalds make rib and...
I've been producing, writing and directing films for 35 years. I believe that, I had two turning points. One was my first, when I had a film in competition in Cannes, that's 1985. And...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Art School Introduction\par \par \par \par Erase with...
MAKING A GOOGLE TRANSLATE-TOOLBAR Hi, in this video i'll show you how can you make a google translate-toolbar As I said, it's a google widget but it's not so nice, and maybe...
The Pool from the 8th floor by TravelPod member crazycanuncks Our Canadian Flag by TravelPod member crazycanuncks The boat to go onto the Sea of Galilee by TravelPod member crazycanuncks Other boats...
The death of a young Navy sailor who drowned while on a training exercise was ultimately preventable. This is what Coroner Brandt Shortland said today. Roihana Nuri reports. A mother's lament...
Hello, it's August 30, 2011 and I’m Martin Smith with the daily outlook from UFX Bank. The Dollar slumped against most major counterparts as stocks and commodities climbed reducing demand for...