The carving and stamping of the design are finished, and now we can start working with colors. For this, we will require dyes, pipettes, brushes, containers for diluting and mixing the paints, paper...
On May 3rd, CEFET/RJ hosted the lecture Origins and Transformation of Quadratura Painting, a historical Brazillian heritage, at Auditorium 6 of the Maracanã Campus. The quadratura is a painting genre...
Hi, I'm Linda. I created a company called Paint Along. Check us out at We have really fun painting workshops in Nashville and New York. How to Paint with Acrylic Paint:...
- so, I see, all this "DACH" thing, it is called now "DACH-11", in Berlin. - that is why, Natasha, - of course, it is kinda... it started on June 15, the opening...
How are such fine patterns painted? Seems like it needs to be painted with a single hair.. It takes a long time. It's a very detail oriented work What is your name? Me? Aleksander Aleksander...
Using clean, prepped pipes, spray on a thick base coat of Valspar Manhattan Mist texture paint. Make sure you coat the pipes well, and pay special attention to the threads and joints. Once...
Using cleaned, prepped pipes, spray on a coat of Valspar Royal Garnet and let it dry. Then spray on a coat of Valspar Churchill Hotel Vanilla, and let that dry. Using an 80-grit disc on a random orbit...
(piano playing) Beth: Looking into the space of this diner through these glass windows makes me feel really aware of the sound of my own footsteps on the sidewalk. Steven: We're in the Art...
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Hi, I'm Linda. I created a company called Paint Along. Check us out at We have really fun painting workshops in Nashville and New York. We're gonna start by using...