Hey everybody. This is Matt Cutts. And today I wanted to talk about a website that you might have visited or you might not. It's called How Search Works. And if you haven't seen it, I...
Most drivers think they have to pay a deductible anytime they make a claim on their car insurance -- but that's not always the case. In Canada, the requirement to pay a deductible after an...
[MUSIC STARTS] NARRATOR: Health care reform. You might have heard about it. It's called the Affordable Care Act - But what does it really mean for you? Well, for starters, the law could make...
Hi Linda, looks like you've got a prescription to fill. Any idea how much that's going to cost in there? (questioning face) I'm really not sure. (slightly freaked out) Well,...
just now I spoke on the phone with President Rouhani the Islamic Republic of Iran the tour was discussed our ongoing efforts to reach an agreement over Iran's nuclear pore over I reiterate if...
It was interesting Jill, I saw something you had written about this situation down there in Houston. I thought this is very interesting thing, of you, to write- "Fifty Churches Within Two...
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So how does this work? I'll show you how it works. A regular credit card. We have a card reader here. Swipe the card and the door opens. We enter the first door which then closes behind you....
BILL SHUSTER: I'm Bill Shuster and I approve this message VO: Too many politicians in Washington love to talk, not Bill Shuster, Bill listens to folks here in Pennsylvania. He heard his...
s art twenty two bottle asians this insurance policy that includes assassinate certification this means at insurance company sacrificed to the states insurance policy as a minimum required coverage...