welcome to i use this app excitement is on high alert today and we're pleased to announce our first huge giveaway we're happy to present you the opportunity to win a brand you...
WOMAN 4: Iʼm all for celebrating OctoNovemCember, but where did Pumpkin-Headed Turkey Claus come from? WOMAN 1: Well… WOMAN 1: …according to legend, a migrating turkey dropped a single feather into...
Guys this is the digivice from the original digivice we will going to feed our pet, do not want because it is full. then we will going to train it Failed Failed again I did well there I did well again...
Hello everyone This time, iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S I will compare them try to compre little bit more I already tried once on YouTube video However, it was very easy comparison post on video this time,...
You are watching Grownupgeek.com This is "Hubby" from GrownUpGeek.com and today i'm gonna show you how you can turn off or restart your iPhone or iPad even when the power...
Apple is terrorizing its customers with forced upon limitations. One of them is that given iOS devices fully support both flash card slots and USB host, none of the iPads or iPhones feature an...



Hello and thank you for your interest in ClickShare Today I would like to tell you how you can use your iPad with a ClickShare system The first thing I'm gonna show you is the ClickShare app,...
Where you at? LOL. Hi. I'm Rokosz, "Your Digital Lifestyle Expert" and I'm going to show you how to deal with text messaging on the Iphone. First thing I do is turn...
hey guys, it's @Aaron_The_Ho from MobileReviews-eh.ca and if you've got an iPhone 5s and you're really interested in taking picture in low light conditions using the new...