I just want to first express my appreciation to Borough President Oddo and to all of the elected officials here who represent Staten Island. We had, I think, a very constructive dialogue about the...
The movie is about to start... The movie is about to start... The movie is about to start... The movie is about to start... Spread love and joy with people all around you. But don't spread...
(Music) Today we'll be talking about the delivery of recovery services to diverse cultures. I think everyone on the panel would agree that communicating properly and effectively and culturally...
mike: Hannah Monroe graduated from Warren Wilson College in December with a double major in Environmental Studies and Sociology & Anthropology. Hannah's research focuses on ecofeminism...
Hey guys, Regina Floyd of Freedom 2 Live Life Well, coming to you on Day 25, Intentions Day 25. Today the word is "Conformity". What makes me think of that....I got up this morning...
GiriRaj Himalaya had to go to Kailash in the abode of Shiva GiriRaj Himalaya had to go to Kailash in the abode of Shiva He greeted his son in law Mahadeva and his two companions , Nandi and Bhringee ....
Nobile Corey is a former state department official he was actually deputy chief of mission in Yemen from 2004 to 2007 for us well he's not with the state department anymore he says that the...
We live in the age of individuality. There is great interest in social change that supports individualism. Rudolf Steiner's "Philosophy Of Freedom" was written for our age....
PsycTESTS is one of APA's newest databases, and it already contains many thousands of tests. And, we're adding more each month! In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to find...
What is your outlook for the global economy in 2011? I think in 2011 we will continue to see recovery in the global economy but it will be a very uneven recovery and one characterized by quite a lot...