Hi, my name is Elyn Jacobs and I am going to share with you my breast cancer diagnosis story. Okay, so my diagnosis story. In December of 2006, I had what I expected to be a routine mammogram and I...
Fortunately most breast cancers affect women who are older than age 50. And for those women who are younger than age 50, the question often becomes, I'm so young, is mastectomy a better form...
You gotta use a clamp. Oh god this is going to hurt. I know it's going to hurt, it's a piercing. C'mon. I know but normal piercings don't hurt. Which hurt more, this or...
The OCEAN technique is a procedure which we've developed here at Aurora Clinics, which combines the four elements of its name. That is an 'O' shaped scar around the nipple with...
Hi, I'm Brook from MyWickedJewelry.com. Although we mostly carry non piercing jewelry, we do have some belly nipple and tongue piercing jewelry I'm actually wearing one of the pieces...
This is the Hollywood Gossip, and I'm Brooke Burgstahler. And sorry, I will not be showing you my nipples today. BUT you can get pretty close to seeing Nicki Minaj's!! Not like...
Do I have mastitis or a plugged duct? And they say dentists get the most disgusting questions. You usually don’t have a fever with a plugged duct, but if you do, it’s low. What happens with mastitis?...