Good morning, William; it's Friday, March 4, one of the very few dates that's also a sentence... March forth! Today, we're gonna take a voyage into the dark heart of...
你好!你们最近常常叫我跟你们说我怎么认识我的老婆, 所以我今天要跟你们分享我高中十二年级的故事,怎么样? 我先跟你们说一年前发生了什么事情。 我才跟我的女朋友分手,因为她要搬回意大利。 我们没有闹别扭,也没有记仇, 我们没有闹别扭,也没有记仇, 我们只是决定我们分手会比较好。 她搬走了以后,我每天心情不太好。 我的好朋友那时候发现我有心事, 一直问我到底发生了什么事, 我才跟他说我跟我的女朋友分手...
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Hello Hippos and dear friends of fluffy entertainment! Until a few days ago, I was in the U.S at Vidcon with my friend Batz And this episode of WUMBELTIME is about that. NOW! Somewhere, on a friday in...
Good morning John, I'm about to sing you a song, but first I have a couple of things to tell you. First: my hands are kinda permanently red. And you'll find out why later. Second:...
Hi John. It's us, the Brazilian nerdfighters. If you're watching this video, it means you've received our secret project. You probably don't know that, but the...



Heya playas, have you ever been called a nerd? Most people tend to look at nerds as being socially awkward and weird, but today I expose the truth behind nerdyness with the help of my friend Krista....
Ron Jenkins: The things we know are going to happen, we plan for. But the things we do not know, we just don't plan. Let me give you an example of that now. My daughter got married. And when...
Dear Friends, Today Being A friday, I will vlog about things. Scott, I am insanely jealous of your dorm. You have a kitchen; and you can wear stilts indoors; and you can fly! Yes Scott, I will read......



Hello guys, I'm Luciano, and you might remember me from last year's Project for Awesome, when I built a pillow fort supporting a charity called TECHO. And it ended up being one of the...