My journey with cancer

>>> DR. JAY K. HARNESS: The word ‘benign’ means not cancerous. It’s that simple and so we use the term to talk about non-cancerous things. A typical benign tumor of a woman’s...
Julie Billar, M.D.: Age is a question that a lot of women bring up for breast cancer surgery. While age is not the limiting factor alone in our decisions, it certainly plays a big role in how one...
My wife and I were talking last night of the appliance in our home is Whirlpool. Whirlpool has done many great things in our community but Genesis first chapter of the Bible it talks about god giving...
The human body is a complex and wondrous living machine like any machine our bodies are composed of smaller parts that work together the various tasks that are performed each day such as breathing...
David Margileth, M.D.: Many women have some vague sense of chemotherapy and what we will next discuss is how does that chemotherapy work, are there different drugs and are there different mechanisms...
This is Mel Majoros, I am the cancer warrior and this is how depression factored into my breast cancer journey. I did not expect it to happen. You know, people think, well, you know, it is cancer and...
Meet Jim MacWaide... Brilliant New York biochemist. obsessive. sensitive. a genius... employed by the the world's biggest drug company. alone, he discovers a cure for cancer and his ruthless...
We're all going to die and if we're very, very lucky, we're going to have friends and family around us and no discomfort. When you're going through cancer, it...
Hi! My name is Michele and I am with The Fruit Doctor and I wanted to talk to you today about how—well, it’s kinda a personal journey and I’ll try to keep this short, but basically I went from…I...