Hey there, in this video we are going to find out what the fastest snake on land is. Just so ya know, it is also one of the most deadly and most feared in Africa. It is sometimes called the “kiss of...
This is coach Trish and one of my Grandmother's favorite movies was Pride and Prejudice. There was a line in that movie that the mother says to one of the daughters and it's kind of a...
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My name is [INAUDIBLE]. I work on HMAS Newcastle as a steward. I work with officers. I also land helicopters on board the ship. I'm also a paramedic on board. And I love it. I'm...
The Lord has shown me, That in able to remain in right-standing with Him, And to be able to interact with the people, That we have to interact with in society. Whether it's at your job, it...
Isn't that awesome? Look Rosabella here give me your hand Put it on your hand. Oh my god I don't know about that No no no I can't. No? Why not? I can't. You're...



[Music Plays] [No Dialogue] >>Kate Pleasant: Coming up on this edition of the Paw Report, we're talking about snakes and other reptiles. As you can see, I have my friend Lil with...
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