>> Joe: Welcome back to SourceFed, I’m the lonely Joe Bereta [music]   >> You may have heard rumblings over the years about the grim working conditions, wages, and...
[music] >> Joe: The Ukraine acting parliament is claiming that Russia’s occupancy of Crimea is breaking a 1994 pact between the Ukraine, the United States, Great Britain and Russia and...
Ashwin, after some rest, in the evening you’ll look all fresh and awesome! Are we ‘seeing’ a bride for me?! They still treat me like a kid at home, bro! Saying you're in love, you didn’t...
[CLANKING] Why do you want to be a lobby boy? Who wouldn't? At the Grand Budapest, sir. VOICEOVER: And so my life began; Junior Lobby Boy-in-training, Under the strict command of Monsieur...
THE CONDEMNED OF ALTONA It's this gray smudge. It hurts right here. It's like a drop of oil. You don't know where it'll spread. If only we'd have known. Why...
We're in the antler room, part of the Mammal Division here at the Field Museum, and there are lots of antlers. And also some things that don't have antlers, like horses. (Neighs) Henry...
[music] >> Lee: Hello and welcome back to Sourcefed I’m lee newton, that’s Joe bereta… Look people are dumb. >> Joe: no lee those are blanket statements, ok, remember what...
Deep in the heart of Africa "It's happening!" "It's time!" a zebra of a different stripe is born into a superstitious herd. "That's...
Hey... Be careful, Johnny. Watch your back in town. I like her, she likes me. You're not ready to be a parent. Settle down, or we'll have to leave Memphis. Wherever we go, there will...