For this nail art you will need a pencil, a brush, a sponge and a tweezer. black nail polish, white nail polish, grey nail polish, and a top coat. Start off by painting all of your nails with a black...
Neil Armstrong: That's one small step for [a] man... ... one giant leap for mankind Ullas: Our topic is: why is the Google lunar X-prize important to the future of the moon Now speaking...
Three trucks, one plane, one boat, two countries, one mission. The Global Precipitation Measurement mission's Core Observatory racked up 7300 flight miles before it even left the planet. The...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Verdana;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}...
i can't think of the co-author of the game but really officially gone into partnership today just about an hour ago so this is at this lima for studios e_p_ partner since you guys got me here...



Hey, my name is Kaleb Anderson. I'm here at NIWeek 2013. I'm an applications engineer at National Instruments. In this demo I created, I'm using a NI CompactDAQ Measurement...
VIO-MOON-LED Check out this VIO-MOON-LED light from American DJ. The Vio Moon LED is a high output, low maintenance moonflower effect light. It can produce light beams in 4 different colors, Red,...
Check out this TriSpot pinspot light effect from American DJ. This light is a 3-in-1 light that produces 7 different colors. Red, green, blue, purple, yellow, cyan and white. This light also has 3...
(Music) I'm Avi Okon, the lead hardware engineer for the drill, and this is your Curiosity Rover Report. Here we are with Curiosity's Earth-bound test double in the Mars Yard here at...



>> The success of Apollo was preceded by precursors. When we were trying to land on the moon with man we didn't even know if we could do it without the vehicle sinking in into...