The island that I had in mind was a beautiful place with sun, palm trees and happy people... But there's something different in this island. All the walls here are covered with graffiti. I...
I'm Zack Ketz and this is a Burning Man Missed Connection Kirbo Here by Kirbo Turbo This was my first burn! I never dreamed how amazing each and everyone of you were. My life will never be the...
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[music] Ryerson has come a very, very long way. You're now world known, you're now thought of very highly and you have produced some of the very best. I'm really looking...



Hello I'm Chris Eckert I'm reading a Craigslist Burning Man Missed Connection. You may of been my true-love-prince! - Woman for Man I, was wearing purple polka-dotted crotchless...
as a face book page on the tail a play on the internet called u_c_-berkeley hookups which is like a missed connections the civic leader that university and i'd intended when doing a story that...
Welcome to Mobile Health   In the previous video, you learned how to make an appointment, and use many of the features in our client portal.   In this video you will learn how to edit, reschedule and...



Milo, put down that bagel. You are not gonna believe this. Can I not believe it while holding my bagel? Did you stop at Ray's Coffee House yesterday? Yes, I did. Did you have on a blazer and a...
[Coco LEE, from Hong Kong] Spring wind, blowing the starting point of the journey. Chun feng, chui zai lyu tu de qi dian. Summer rain, wetting the same cloudy sky. Xia yu, da shi tong yi pian yun...
I dreamt that I met you, randomly, somewhere..... and You said that its been awhile since I got to see your smile, could we go somewhere so that we can be alone and talk You asked me to leave today,...