hello my friends I am professor Hans Von Puppet. I want to personally welcome you to my video testimonial for this chiropractor. It's not everyday I get a service like this you know, in fact I...
Orange County is situated on the West Coast of the USA. Southern California's smallest county has no defined center, it's a collection of small cities that rolls out like quilt from...
You're comin down You were yellin taxes You better move We got weapons We'll make a fight You will remember We're the Estate You won't forget noooo(the king) noooo(the...



This is the Uncle Mike's #3 scoped Bandolier Holster. I've used this exact holster on several different hunts. I like it for a variety of reasons. It's made for a scoped...
Hey! See anything different? Yep! I got my long hair cut. Do you like it? Ah, JUST KIDDING! I don't think I'm going to cut my hair for a while It's so funny because I posted a...
впервые я считаю как считает иначе выдержка процент по моему это делают доброе утро конгресс центр района голый момент долл колокол задолженность получить новый опыт во время передачи данных к...
Barksdale AirForce Base is Near Shreveport, Louisiana, a 3-hour flight from New York City. [CNN Charles Jaco] I'm starting to get real bothered by all of this. [Meet the Press Tim Russert] Bin...
Dear listeners, the current news on Metro7 Berlin State agencies call for state of emergency! Thousands of people have been standing and dancing infront of their cameras. Only yesterday Focus...
>> MEHDI: Elica!!! >> MEHDI: So, continuous ?! >> NICO: yes, correct >> NICO: ok it's fine, right pedal >> MEHDI: Speed...
Hi, I'm Glen Watson, I'm the Director General for the Office for National Statistics and until recently I was the Director of the National Census for England and Wales which was an...

