The President: Hi, everybody. This week, I delivered my State of the Union Address. Today, here's the three-minute version. After four years of economic growth with eight million new private...
We're transitions for life mediation Let us assist in your transition to the next phase of your brighter future the silent treatment with your spouse can also put children in the middle...



True Blue. It's in everything that we do. It's in the way that we celebrate a team's win. It's how we prepare our students to be leaders of tomorrow. It's how...
Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam | Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam Vandhey Guru Paramparaam || I welcome all of you with my love and blessings. Today, as a part of the Ganesha...
Cathy Spann: In 2009 I actually became unemployed.  JP Morgan Chase subsequently started the foreclosure process. And then shortly thereafter, about eight, nine months later, the tornado hit North...
(woman) Oh, my. Hope you haven't been waiting long. I'm usually the first one here. Sorry about that. All right, think you're gonna like this three-bedroom property, Mr. Poole....
Rick Santorum just pulled a classic Rick Santorum and by that I mean he angrily ranted while making 0 sense let's listen don't use the term the other side uses food is brought up...
Today we are taking the Mugunwha train into Seoul and we're going to be visiting the largest market in the city Namdaemun and also doing a little bit of shopping in Myeongdong. We have...
Money exchange in Thailand is like everywhere else - you get the worst rate at the airport. There are lots of banks and standalone foreign exchange booths along popular beaches, which surprisingly...