Lucifer, el Diablo y Dios-Tal vez nadie necesite saber de esto, pero para bien o para mal, hablaremos poco o mucho acerca del misterio que existe sobre Lucifer, así como el Diablo y Dios. Con el fin...



Dice Miguel: "Sostenerte entonces en Paz, sabiéndote instrumento de Dios te permite seguir alineada con Su Voluntad. Humanamente, reconocemos, no es entendible que las cosas ocurran como...



BERESHIT Genesis Capitulo 1 1.En el comienzo creó Elohim los cielos y la tierra. 2. Empero, la tierra estaba informe y desordenada, las tinieblas sobre la faz del abismo y el viento de Elohim soplaba...



By the term "aliens" , we assume that we are beings capable of making moral decisions , possessing an intellect , emotions and will . First, some scientific facts : Man has sent...
Hello, I would like some advice. It's weird, I hope they can help me. I tell my story. I met a very special person to me. I feel that God put in the time on my way. She was the girlfriend of a...



Roto estaba mi corazón, Pero tu mano me rescató, Del polvo yo volví a nacer, La salvación en ti encontré, Tu amor no puedo expresar, Te seguiré por la eternidad, En tu gracia caminaré, En libertad...



What power the glance of Jesus had, my children! Our Lord looks, and, when he looks, his eyes pierce the heart. We cannot say no to him! The sweet glance of Jesus upon us, asking us for more love,...
there are a lot of children who don't have any fingers This can be the result of an accident or the Amnniotic Band Syndrome We want to help them, so they can draw, play and develop just as any...
Hi everyone, this is Michael and welcome to Engpods. I believe that one of the most common obstacles for Italians is the fear of making mistakes when speaking English: The famous “brutta figura” or...
APO PANTOS KAKO DAIMONOS! Captions by Danieldeathrider We transgress the context Of commonplacenes We deny normality, Trample morality We destroy angels With sound We destroy angels With silence APO...