Hi I'm Jonelle Seitz from the St. Edward's University Academic Success Center. And here gonna talk about how to proofread Remember that proofreading is the final step in writing...
You need a Social Media Plan with Social Media Puppet Kimmy >>Janet: This video is going to be about a social media plan. I am talking to Kimmy, a salon owner. You may have seen her in...
The writing life has sort of allowed me to look back at a lot of things from childhood and sort of understand what was behind them and why they matter. What the Rabbis were yelling at us about or our...
Hello everybody. January Nerd Block just arrived this morning. No time to waste, let's open it right now. So, what is the surprise this month ? So, the T-shirt is black. It's the same...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang9\f0\fs22 HS9:\par Sup! Kris...
Construction Site next door to Salisbury Hotel by TravelPod member chop49 View out of window of Salisbury Hotel by TravelPod member chop49 Alex, Ho-Ki, Hellas & Edson by TravelPod member...



Hello and welcome to our Thoreau class! I'm Dr. Bernstein—your professor—and I'm really excited about this course. As I'm sure you know, it's one of the...
Hello everyone my name is Sergei Jefimov I am CO and Chairman of the Board AS EG Võrguteenus It's a subsidiary of AS Eesti Gaas. And we are responsible for transmission and gas transit in...



Song Title: R A D I A T E Words & Music by: R I c k D e n z I e n A single man A boy on the inside Tell me no more He crawls down those stairs Darkness in blown up eyes He’s lonely There’s no...



This roumanian constellation is traditionally called Hora (the Ring Dance). The star Gemma is the Fata Mare din Horă (the Great Maiden in the Ring Dance), and the two smallest stars from the Ring are...