Here is another example of a sketch that I drew, and you can see it's a fairly small sketch from my sketch book. And I only took one small aspect of this sketch and blew it up to make this...
I would also like to encourage you to experiment with many plywoods and hardwoods that are available to you. You can find wood in the trash, scrap wood. Often times at the hardware store there will be...
My names Rachel Bright and I'm a writer, illustrator, print maker and eternal optimist. I studied um multi disciplinary print making at UWE which is kind of a combination of all different...
Now I'm ready to print my block of wood. I'm going to repeat the process I did earlier, by lying the block upside down, so that I can get it fairly centered onto my piece of paper....
Now this print was also printed on a press, as this print is. Both of these prints are press printed. However, in this image, you can see some of the jagged edges of the surface of the wood. And...
Now I've re-inked the block of wood in a deeper color, so I'm going to test my registration. I will, basically what I'm attempting to do is place this piece of paper over this...
Now I've got a nice layer of ink on the surface of my print. I'm going to add a bit of ink to certain areas, just to make sure I have a really nice printing service to print from. And...
This piece of Japanese paper is really delicate, it also has quite a bit of lines of fiber in the piece of paper itself. So to help make sure that my brayer or my wooden spoon isn't going to...
So now I've mixed in several colors; I have some orange and some yellow, and I've mixed in a bit of blue and I've come up with this taupe color. And I'm going to start...



Now that I have this first print from my my block of wood, it gives me an idea. From here, I can make changes if I want to. Now I'm going to start talking about making individual colorings on...