#1 I learned how to go from EMPLOYEE MINDSET to Entrepreneur Mindset. As I like doing sports and enjoy weight lifting let's take a personal trainer as an example.. - Employee mindset - Would...
Why are you not answering me? She wants me I tell you! Brother. Where the hell have you been? It's six thirty in the morning! Please just answer me! [taunts and laughter] She wants me! What!...
My video games are slower than they are at the arcade or my friend’s house. Should I overclock my cpu for gaming? You could void the computer’s warranty doing that. Overclocking gets your computer to...
Taurus and Leo are very strong signs, and so as a duo there's a lot of intensity and passion and electricity between them. Taurus is an earth sign, which in astrology means it seeks stability...
Hey everybody this is Brendon Buchard author of the number one New York Best-time selling Book Million Dollar Messenger and founder of High-Performance Academy, and I got some hot news for you. I have...
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Jesus is not a hard taskmaster. Jesus Christ is Lord and he gives grace and mercy to those who turn to him. He is ready to take away your sins. He is ready to heal you. He is ready to change who you...

