Okay, we should introduce each other and then it would be fun. No, that's awkward. Okay, so this is Zeynep--she's the Turkish delight. This is Lani, the beautiful, intelligent...
I don't know if any of that I can really speak to with any use to you. One thing I could say is that people like Ed Roberts are really important. When young people or younger people or even...
The march on Washington was an affirmation. That the demand of the Birmingham movement... I felt like I was in the presence of the world. I was so impressed. Here at your college, ya know, Community...
One experience that I think was really significant to my time at BU is, actually, a story from when I wasn't even a BU student but was from orientation. And I remember my parents wanted to...
Angelic Creations Hello there! Its' Renee coming to you from the beautiful paradise island of Boracay in The Philippines! And today this is your reading if you chose this particular reading,...
My little cabin on the ship Gandalf by TravelPod member timrie Park by TravelPod member timrie Tree in park by TravelPod member timrie Dev and park by TravelPod member timrie Lying in park by...
Music Intro When CK's meets... Hi and welcome in "When CK's meets...", your musical program. Today I've the pleasure to meet Andy. How are you? I'm...



Lachsfilet - ausreichend für 3 Mahlzeiten! by TravelPod member elli78 Typischer Straßenzug in St. John's by TravelPod member elli78 Signal Hill vom Hafen aus by TravelPod member elli78...
You know, this happens here Manu! What a goal! Cisse scores Feyenoord is leading with 1-0 Guidetti Scores, It is Guidetti's hattrick! That's a beauty of a goal by Jerson Cabral El...
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