(Image source: YouTube / becauseisaidiwould) BY BRIANA ALTERGOTT An Ohio man shocked police and his lawyer by confessing in a viral video back in September to killing a man while driving drunk. Now,...
(Image Source: The Daily Mail)  BY SCOTT MALONE


Two fifth graders in Washington are now facing charges of conspiracy to commit murder after authorities discovered weapons...
BY NATHAN BYRNE ANCHOR MEGAN MURPHY Colorado theater shooting suspect James Holmes is reportedly claiming he doesn’t know why he’s in jail. That’s according to a report from the New York Daily News,...
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The suspected shooter in the Aurora Colorado showing of Batman The Dark Knight Rises has been identified as 24 year old James Holmes. During a midnight premier of the movie at Century Aurora 16...
Interesting information coming out about James Holmes, the suspected killer in Batman The Dark Knight Rises premier. There is no James Holmes Twitter profile and no James Holmes Facebook profiles or...
BY LOGAN TITTLE In the latest update on the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting suspect, police have discovered suspected killer, 24-year-old James Holmes, bought more than 6,000 rounds of ammunition in...
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