Armchair Philosopher - Nihilism and Relativism. I was talking to my girlfriend the other day and ran into the following idea. Since I am merely an armchair or dictionary philosopher, I put the...
Welcome to OptionRally Academy, I'm Amy Anderson with the Term of the day. Today we are going to talk about Slippage. Slippage is the difference between the expected filled price of the trader...






The SAF today that value our independence and will fight to protect it. This signal, this unequivocal signal of deterrence is priceless. The SAF has also responded well to security challenges, even...
The jury is going into deliberate and now they want to see the hospital record in your medical malpractice matter. But before it can be given to them, it has to be redacted. Would you like to learn...
'Person' is a 'Thought-Construct' [Mooji:] At a certain point thoughts become irrelavent. When they are irrelavent, the Self fully reveals itself in this moment....
Are you feeling irrelevant? Tired of your parents advising you to take part in the Occupy movement? Hate your friends inviting you to feminist and anti-racist events? Do you want something easy and...
What code should I learn to make apps? Part of it depends on what device you want the apps to run on. I'll sell the apps to whoever pays me for them. If you want to develop apps for the iOS,...
How do I know how far along my pregnancy is? When did you have your last period? My doctor asked me that, but I don’t think it is right. They measure the pregnancy duration based on when the last...
[ Music ] >> Welcome to VZ Green TV. Thank you for joining us, I'm Jim Gowen, Chief Sustainability Officer. We are very pleased that for our first episode of VZ Green TV, our CEO...