Instagram, you better watch your back! Hi there, I'm Roberto. Hope you guys are doing well. In my last video I talked about my addiction to social media. Well, last week I discovered a new...
so gopro just released update to the iPhone app take a look at it to see what it has to offer there's an app I got my wife I turned on already checked my GoPro and tippit in the past it was...



Hey Vsauce I'm Jake and that's a bear...Nooooooo! Not my pointing finger! At least I still have you, Shaking Fist. Nooooooo! Luckily bear can be Only One a retro arena style fighting...
[musical tones from a game] Hi there, I'm Roberto. Hope you guys are doing well. Besides video games, there have been many electronic games throughout these decades. There's the Speak... Acton London business growth through mobile marketing is now affordable from Global BizznessApps who provide affordable business apps to small businesses. Business...



(Image Source: The Verge) BY GEORGE DUMONTIER ANCHOR JASMINE BAILEY We heard rumors of Twitter adding photo filters to its app, but Facebook beat them to the punch. The latest update to Facebook for...
This episode is brought to you by Everything 4 apple Music What is going on everybody it's Adel from Everything 4 apple and today I'm Gonna be reviewing cycloramic App this app sells...