Inaugurations at capitol

MS. NULAND: All right, everybody. Happy Tuesday. I hope everybody enjoyed the long Inaugural/Martin Luther King weekend. I have nothing at the top. Let's go to what's on your minds....
My name is Emmanuel Rotobam Mbaide. I'm in a neighbourhood of N'Djamena, called Ambatta. Where I'm standing they had put up a sign... announcing the build of 10,000 social...
Hi my name is Drew Trotman with the J. Nissi Corporation, I own the company. I just did a deal with your company (Crest Capital) I wanted to say that Mike Duncan, my salesman during the process was...
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Together, we have gotten a lot of work done. We will continue to intensify our fight against crime, corruption... The United Democratic Movement SOLIDARITY presents the film PUTIN. CORRUPTION. Part...
At least four people were killed when a car bomb exploded in the middle of this busy street in Beirut. The force of the blast destroyed other cars nearby, and ripped the fronts off surrounding...
[sound of bus engine] >> Student Whooo. Rally >> Derrick We're gonna rally and we're going to sing some songs and we're going to cheer and...
Governor Bill Haslam: It’s a pleasure to continue the tradition of the lighting of the Christmas Tree here at the Capitol. Chrissy and I are enjoying our very first holiday season here at the...
As 2011 comes to an end I want to take this chance to thank you again for the opportunity to serve as your governor. I think it's safe to say that for me, 2011 has been a year like no other....



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