*INDIAN SITAR MUSIC* Interviewer: Gurunista. Long "E." - E Interviewer: E? Say it with me, GURU-NEEEE-STA. Interviewer: GURU-NEEE-STA. There-there you go, exactly. Yeah. Interviewer:...
For Arka Vidya - Surya Mantra sadhana & Deeksha, CLICK LINK:https://srividyasadhana.com/other-sadhanas/ One cannot imagine a life without the sun. It is through the motion of the sun that one...
Support Master Yogiraj Siddhanath's Worldwide Mission. Buy and download this exact same video for inspiration to play on your computer or mobile device: [Opening Music Introduction] [Question]...
Right after my birthday, I want to put together a group which I may call as Third Eye Activated Individuals. What this group is going to do is to radiate so much energy to prepare the earth plane for...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Verdana;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}...
Hey everyone! I'm Gotham Chopra and this is Holy Facts, the show where we take you on a tour of the weirder side of religion and spirituality, whether it's monks walking on knives or...
Hi I'm Sandra Tedeschi I'm the owner of Vajra Sol Yoga Adventures and we run yoga and surf retreats in Costa Rica in that corporate environment that I was working in I started to a...
Hi, I'm Benjy with Pinnacle Promotions and today, we're going to talk about fitness accessories. Now wether you're marketing toward fitness newbies or gym rats, fitness...
[music] All forms of addiction are an expression of the desperate search for higher states of consciousness. Common forms of addiction in our modern culture include alcohol, nicotine, and other forms...
Today is a very important day for all of us Sahaja Yogis, because today Shri Ganesha was born. Shri Ganesha is whom we worship and because of whom we got our realization. However much you may remember...