mo support stevia but the rest of it would be to give the people the yoga the point is if you're gonna bring it to people you have to give it to people yet andie macdowell as a young what how...



Thursday, 18th of March 2004. 300 prosecutors and masked gendarmes with fire guns, have entered in 16 private properties located in the Bucharest. Terror, violence, abuses. Flagrant violation of the...



PRABHUPĀDA: As I told you, one story, it is very…, not… amusing. One boy, he went out of home and mixed with yogis for several years. Then, after some time, he came to his village, and all the...



When the heat in the Sahasrara settles down that is the time yogis declare a person as dead. Please understand the yogic definition of death is not heart stopping; it is the heat on the Sahasrara...
>> AMITA: As a correspondent for NBC news he he covered war and natural disasters and then his own storm hit a broken back, a cancer diagnoses and a life that put him at death's...
[Sadhguru] Do you see this body -- as we have been going through this again and again to the same point when it was born it was so small, now it became this much. Definitely you didn't need...
Words are flowing out like Endless rain into a paper cup They slither wildly as They slip away Across the universe Pools of sorrow Waves of joy Are drifting through My opened mind Possessing and...



For Gayatri Mantra sadhana and deeksha, Visit: Gayatri Mantra has over the ages proved to be a wonderful key to success in the lives of hundreds of great...



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