I’m Steve Kramer. I’m a Florida criminal defense lawyer. Today we’re going to talk to construction possession versus actual possession. And let’s just say construction versus actual possession of...
PrOmOe. -Sunday Morning- Traducida por ..--SoKi--.. Dejame contarte una pequeña historia de lo que vi el otro día... un yonki, no descansa en una mañana de domingo un yonki tiene que conseguir ese...
How to Buy Prescription Drugs Online. If you want to buy prescription drugs online, learn how to take precautions to avoid buying dangerous drugs from fraudulent or unqualified pharmacies. You will...



Justin (Donald): Hey guys are you going to try drugs on day? Bob (Adam): Hell no, are you? Justin (Donald): Hell no! Napolen (Dakota): Maybe in a year... Bob (Adam): Excuse me sir, can you come here...
Hi, I am Scott Maasen with the Maasen Law Firm. Today, in this video, I want to talk to you about vehicular homicide type of cases and possible penalties. In Arizona, there usually are two different...
WARNING! What? Hemorrhoids Drugs and Creams, Can Have Serious Side Effects The most common class of hemorrhoids prescriptions include: Prescription Preparations: Anesthetics, Corticosteroids, and...
Hey Nick! How are you doing, Robert? So how long have you been here at Habilitat? Now I've been here about almost nine months. So you were here last time we came.. It was in July I believe it...
Can you name all the prescription drugs in your medicine cabinet? More importantly, do you know all of their potential side effects? (No?) You're not alone. Some prescription drugs have so...
They say you killed two people in Livingston. They say you're a drug store robber. You know they already got a nickname for you? Southern Fried Pharmacy Firearm Thief. You like that? Got a...