I dream about the future

To create my dream wave on YouRiding I inspired myself with the two most perfect waves I have ever surfed which are North Point and Blackrock. So my dream wave would be a perfect A-frame with a right...
My name is Scott Purdum and I'm a Procurement Manager for our packaging at Unilever, based in Rotterdam. I graduated in 2009 and I did the Logistics sandwich course at Aston University. I...
You always knew. "But I, being poor... have only my dreams." "I have spread my dreams under your feet. "Tread softly... because you tread on my dreams." I...
(Instrumental music) My name is Betsy Higgins, Bloomington, Indiana with my dad and my stepmom. I’m everywhere, I do backpacks, is my main job. My backpacks, the trash, recycling cardboard, and...
well Here we are got a doc but sealed what just happened to make you go crazy this way of the seal there you are not even trying to make this hard for me are you location it's been a big...
(0 to 1:19- hindi) I will expand on how in our inner awakening program your kundalini is awakened how it is established in you permanently and how it brings health wealth good relationships success in...
This is your life path right now you are in the present. You have left your past behind and your future lies ahead of you. If you ask yourself? How do you want your future to be? You will easily...
ko accident free areas free innocent week joining me on this hypnotherapy scripts doing so i i rec cake and right now tickets this video at anzac and talents have relaxed you feel subscribe to expand...
We don't go to Jyväskylä (Central Finland) I see We must tell you where you are going In fact all this was organized because we wanted to fulfill your dream Do you have any guesses? Malmö,...
This is how the Syrian students used to spend their leisure during the school day, as before their country’s crisis, their craziest idea, was to escape from school, but today, or rather, for two...