Hey guys my name is BJ Min and I am a bestselling author and a six figure internet marketer. Today, I want to announce to you the product launch of Internet Traffic Formula created by my mentor Vick...
Think Chinese smartphone and you're probably thinking a knock-off iPhone 5 or Samsung Galaxy But the Chinese have really come along in leaps and bounds over the last few years and this is a...
You are listening to Tim Bulkeley's 5 minute Bible What did the text mean? when I set a student exegesis assignment I used to ask students to summarize the meaning of the text for the ancient...
Hi Viewer, My name is Nitin and I welcome you to yet another episode of my YouTube channel. As I am consistently putting new content on my channel, I would request you to please provide your feedback...
There is something wrong with teddy. Don't worry teddy, the doctor is going to find out what is wrong. Countdown from ten now teddy. You won't make it to one because the doctor is...



I'm a student and I'm from Sydney. What's your name? and my names Rebecca! My names Krystal, I'm also a Uni student, I study Psychology and I'm from Wogga....
Thank you. Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. Please, have a seat. Thank you, Joe. (Laughter.) THE VICE PRESIDENT: Good to be with you, Mr. President. (Laughter.) THE PRESIDENT: Today, after...
Hey, it’s Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be to create a business and life you love. And I have a question for you, does trying to be a success ever feel exhausting? I mean,...