When you're out there in the heat of the moment and your pitching, it's a big situation. You're saying, don't throw a ball, don't give up a hit, don't...
Halloween of 2003, I was 13 years old, and I was surfing with my best friend. It was like a picture perfect morning. It was beautiful out, and the water was just crystal clear blue. We were just...
I'm a cowboy-- a professional cowboy. I go to rodeos for a living. I don't have a real job per se. When I was growing up, I just liked everything that cowboys stood for: cowboy codes,...
My life changed when I was 15. I remember coming home from high school. We had just finished exams. Arriving to the house, there was a lot of cars parked outside. When I came in, I remember saying,...
He said, "Tamara, I don't know how to tell you this, but you have cancer. And not only do you have cancer, it's advanced, and you'll probably only live five to seven...



I just feel like I don't know who I am. Yes. Yes. Yes. Stay as I AM You'll never know. Nobody knows. If you think you know who you are, in the traditional sense of the word knowledge,...
I used to wake up thinking about two things, what I was going to do during the day, but before that, how much drug I had on me, and at what time I was going to get more. The need was so strong that it...
(piano plays Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and goes off key) -Hey, Coco. -What're you doing, daddy? I am just editing this new <i>Convos</i> video. -Want to watch it?...