Los Angeles Insurance Bad Faith Attorney - Don't Get Left with the Bill “Hospital” Hospital hallway. A doctor hurriedly pushes a pregnant woman (30) on a gurney with husband along side....
We live in a physical world. We also live in a physical world that's in a process of merging with the digital world. As a consequence, increasingly, aspect of the physical world such as, say,...
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Hello, my name is Hans Dekkers, Team Leader at Dynaread. So your child struggles in reading, and you have wrestled with that reality for a while and have googled and inquired and found resources and...
I find a lot of parents are very well aware of motor milestones. If their child is not walking on time. If their child now rolling or sitting. Those are things they'll come to the pediatric...
Empowerment to Papworth Trust and to the people who use our services is about people having a bigger say in what happens within the organisation but also what happens in their own life. The...
Hello, good morning everyone, I am Antía. I come from a small town in the province of Ourense as Antonella said, and I am here at TEDxYouth to tell you about my passion. I am passionate about living...



I'm gonna show how to edit the closed captioning that YouTube adds automatically to your videos. The voice-to-text feature doesn't always work that well and so we're going to...
Dr. Barrett: At Kessler Foundation, it’s great that hidden disabilities after stroke are recognized to have a number of different areas of impact, not only on the individual and how he or she can be...
Greetings! This is a CyberEye broadcast updating you on the latest and greatest developments in the world of science and technology. One of Google’s stated goals is to index all of the world’s...