bjbj 00:59:09 [ music ] [ background music ] >> Hi I'm Linda Stall with Hershey's Kitchens. We recently had an iconic cocoa recipe sweepstakes and these are the top three...
>> Welcome to Hershey's Kitchens. I'm Linda Stahl. Everyone knows that cocoa is a baking staple, but did you know that cocoa lends itself to savory dishes as well? Today...
bjbj 00:59:28 [ Music ] >> Linda Stahl: Hi, I'm Linda Stahl with Hershey's Kitchens and Hershey's cocoa is one of my favorite baking ingredients. And you can use...
bjbj 00:59:29 [ Music ] >> Hi, I'm Linda Stahl with Hershey's Kitchens and I'm here today with Helene Dibiase she is the winner of the Hershey's iconic...
>> Welcome to Hershey's Kitchens. I'm Linda Stahl. I've worked with many recipes during my time here at Hershey's Kitchens, and one of the most popular...