Sebastian: Although we have lots of love for our owner, Caitlin... Lulu: We sure do. S: We gotta go. Don’t you know the whole world is waitin? L: Yeah, it is. S: Hey Lulu. L: Yeah? S: Ready to go? L:...



Announcer: Et maintenant, laissez-vous emporter dans le monde fantastique des rêves. And now, "Disney Dreams!" ♫ The Second Star to the right, shines in the night for you, ♫ To tell you...
Hello everyone, this is Vector and I have to say really really clever. OK, it's an endless runner style game and it's kind of like Mirror's Edge, if you remember that title...



HE>> John: SO, HOW IS SHE?Soap >> ■ ■■MFSeORriTAesBL/SY.pecial. Krio ■■ ) HE'RE JUSoSTap WAITING F, ORD0 Ab JANurTInsBI hOTomICe S anTOd ac t>>he J...



In this section, I’ll cover four main topics. First, I’ll talk about some infections that can occur in the reproductive system. Then, I’ll talk about healthy and unhealthy relationships. I’ll also...
Welcome to this video on women’s health, brought to you by the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement. The goal of this video is for you to learn about your body and your health, so you can make the...