Your years at Grinnell have involved a personal transition: your passage from youth and uncertainty, to adult and uncertainty. [laughter] For the College, and for the larger world, transitions both...



Hi, my name is David White, class of 1990 and a member of the Board of Trustees. I know that the on-campus community right now is in the last stage of final exams, in which to-do lists are long and...



Most of you came here in August of 2000 and have spent four years filled with growing, learning, experimenting, and even pulling back. When you came, you were a diverse group from 46 states and 18...



Will the graduates to the degree of Bachelor of Arts please rise? >>FERGUSON: This has been an exciting year at Grinnell College as we've been celebrating our sesquicentennial. I...
You came here for the most part three years and nine months ago from all over the world and from forty American states. Four of you are from Korea; one from Uzbekistan, and one from Canada where today...
When I decided to participate in the Faulconer Gallery's summer seminar for faculty, I had no idea that this would be an opportunity to bring together my interests in memory, personal history,...
Will the graduates to the degree of Bachelor of Arts please rise? The President will make her concluding remarks to the graduates of the Class of 1997. >>FERGUSON: Grinnell's...
Today you graduate from Grinnell College. You are, I believe, the largest class in the history of the College. [cheering] And we have benefitted from your strength and your size. The 368 of you who...
You came here, for the most part, Four years ago, in the midst of a Presidential campaign, and you leave, not surprisingly, in the midst of another Presidential campaign. In your four years you have...



>>EMILY WESTERGAARD HAMILTON: What stood out about Cristi and GPI to me when I was reading through these nominations was the way that she was addressing two very significant issues: the...

