President Osgood, Board of Trustees, Dean Smith, faculty, family, friends and most of all the graduates of the class of 2010 with your green ribbons and all. I’m thrilled to be with you today to...



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When I start to think Thinking of you The feeling of true love arrives in Sapphire Blue Takin' the time to believe in my mind, that it's you Blue, Blue, Blue, Sapphire Blue In my...
Hi, my name is Mylène and I work for the Edmundston Madawaska Tourism Office Today, I'm inviting you to discover Saint-Francois-de-Madawaska, located 40 kilometers from Edmundston. We will...
The first few weeks of a semester is a crucial time for students, because they are working out the answers to some very significant questions: Do they like the classes they’re taking? Do they feel...



You came here, for the most part, almost 4 years ago, from all over the United States and the world, including Belarus, Myanmar, and Vietnam. Catherine, variously spelled, and David are your most...



Jack Taylor Presentation BB: Thank you for joining us today. Jack, first of all congratulations to you on setting a new NCAA men’s scoring record. You all know Jack’s story, but Jack you and Grinnell...
I'm Leslie Wright, Director of the Faulconer Gallery Molecules that matter is an exhibition of art, science and popular culture that surveys ten molecules that helped shape the 20th century...
Hi, I'm Mylène and I work for the Edmundston Madawaska Tourism Office Today, I want to show you that in Edmundston, it's time for winter sports like snowshoeing and cross country...



[applause] Thank you so much. I'm glad that you brought up the subject of curiosity because that's what I wanted to talk to you about today. When we're little children, almost...

