On the question of the true color of a transparent substance like water ...one way to find out is to throw something white in it. Then the white shows up whatever the color of the material in front of...
I was born Feb 23, el ańo 1989. In the city of New Orleans. "The Big Easy" no es simepre tan facil. Pero ni modo, Me hiso quien soy. En la vida hay ciertas cosas que no se pueden...
area 51 ufo sightings / reverse engineering [ full video documentary] you wanted area 51 there it is on but no one's ever been this close until now this is the place to be at the right time...
I am the most feared killer in the history books 'Cause nobody can count all the lives I took I kidnap so many for my twisted games Defiling bodies of the innocent for evil and fame And you...
Police have released this dramatic CCTV footage of an armed robbery at an off license in Ramsbottom. Two masked men ran into Bargain Booze on Bolton Road West at around 7.20 on the evening of Sunday,...
We romped we played the sun that day was high no one could deny We tripped we fell under the spell they said winter had passed by But that was a lie Shadows cross the sky This Polar Vortex...
Video Games Live was held on October 26 in Montreal a video game music concert created in 2005 by Tommy Tallarico video music composer of Earthworm Jim and Advent Rising, he co-created the show and I...
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What are dreams like beyond the sky? I have faith in our endless future and it will be mine P-P-P-Precure P-P-P-Precure P-P-P-Precure Let's enjoy it! Yeah! Yeah! What do I wish for, with my...

