Japanese porn star frenches nerd in a sex shop? Do you understand what she’s saying? Who cares? We’re not paying attention to what’s coming out of her mouth. Whoa! Lucky bastard! Here’s the deal:...
What better way to start the holiday season than by seeing a bunch of drunk people dressed up as Santa running all over the city. New York City’s SantaCon kicked off on Saturday amid widespread...
We are here today at Eco Print in Berlin which is a first of its kind. It s a kind of conference show talking about, as the name says, Eco , environmental and printing . Obviously digital printing has...
♪ [music] ♪ My name is Christophe Dupety. I'm a painter engraver I always try to emphasize the joy of painting in my work, that is colour, shape and fluidity, and above all a sort of graphic...
Peking, Berlin, Dublin, Liberia... Hey, Souma! You're dressed like some drifter. What are you doing? When was the last time you came to university? You went traveling again, didn't...



While this drawing is based on Leonardo’s fresco, his Last Supper in Milan, it is considered one of Rembrandt’s finest sheets, certainly one of his finest examples of work in red chalk. Using a hard...
This is a lithograph by Robert Rauschenberg entitled “Accident.” Rauschenberg at first was really reluctant to make prints. Lithographs are made on stone, and he amusingly said that the second half...
Hello, and welcome to the first of a three part tutorial series which will teach you how to use a laser cutter. This tutorial series was created at the Transformative Learning Technologies Lab at...