Hey, what's up guys, BigWhiteDynamite here and I want to wish you guys a Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it! Let's get back to this, the benchmark. This is a Batman: Arkham...
Sup guys...BigWhiteDynamite here and I am doing a Cinebench GPU Test for my GTX 760, so I'm showing you my MSI Afterburner settings right here. Just to prove that it's all on stock,...
Hey what's up guys, BigWhiteDynamite here with a Batman: Arkham Origins- the new one. Uhm, on the GTX 760, so here's the Graphics Settings right now. 2560x1440 and I ran it all at max...
Hey what's up guys, BigWhiteDynamite here with a uhhh...APB Reloaded GTX 760 Benchmark. So, you can see here, here's the settings...pretty much maxed out. Except for the...
Hi, now I will show you an illusion 3-D An optical phenomenon where appears at the space an object. The one here is a little pig. Look! It is a real image. An image caused by the concave mirrors If I...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang9\fs22 Hey, hey, hey! What is going on...
The Mephisto Spiral; a piece of spiral, actually two halves, which are threaded left and right handed; put together and it appears as though they're coming apart, or going together. When you...
Here's something bizarre I discovered in Santa Monica I think it was, a few years ago. They were called ear glasses. Ear glasses? What on earth can that be? Well the diagram on the box showed...
I'm trying to write with a glass pen made entirely of glass. It's a very old idea this, and the ink runs down the little fine veins here, and you have to keep dipping it in....
Here's a remarkable device that I came across in America a few years ago, and I'm so pleased to be able to have a sample to play with. It's called a True Mirror, and shows...