"Hi, my name is Renee French and I'm here at Practical Massage Therapy in Nashville, Tennessee, and I'm going to be talking about massage therapy. So these are my suggestions...
I'm a big fan of massage therapy, but I always say that if I had to choose between receiving a chiropractic adjustment or a massage, I would always choose a chiropractic adjustment. I find...



I do believe there's an art to picking a good deep tissue massage therapist. There are a lot of people out there that say that they're great deep tissue massage therapists. Then, there...
In this FlexSim Basics video, we're going to discuss the elements that add functionality to your model: picklists and triggers. Many of the events that take place in models are associated with...
In this video, we're going to show you how to send a simple message. We'll begin by creating our model in FlexSim. We will need a source, which will produce the items in our system; a...
Hello, I’m Brady Preyss of Unity Healing Arts. I’d like to invite you to watch this video and explore how Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy might provide you with the most deeply therapeutic and relaxing...
So a couple of things we want to go over today. 2011 has been a year of results for us and we want to talk to you about what we've been doing. Working with this new product, trying to leverage...