\f0\fs40 \cf0 Jesus was not a pushover. He set the standard for men around the world to emulate how he was. How men think a a man is these days is very distorted and it is the exact opposite of what...
Chapter XXII The Search Party When dawn broke upon the little camp of Frenchmen in the heart of the jungle it found a sad and disheartened group. As soon as it was light enough to see their...
Hey, I'm Sterling, and I want to illustrate for you the significance of what Jesus has done for us in all reality with regard to our sin. I have two friends here, Chris and Zach....
One is Not Born a Woman Sermon of Rev. Dr. Flora Wilson Bridges March 6, 2011 First Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn Let us focus our hearts and our minds now in a word of prayer as we go forth to...
You don't deny it? No. I let him go. Your mercy saved the boy's life. You feel good about that? Aye, I do. You saved one innocent. How many tens of thousands have you doomed? There has...
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Recovery from emotional abuse as a child wanted to shoot a video for you this morning I if you five Google these keywords: about emotional abuse then obviously you have in some issues in your life...
Hey it's Buzz60 Politics I'm Jay DeDapper. Bill Bill Bill Bill. The second night of theÊDemocratic Convention was about one man -- Bubba -- who did exactly what you'd expect....



Yesterday in a vision the Lord took me in the Spirit and showed me people in the bars: men and women. And I saw this woman going from one man to another. It was made known to me that she was married;...