Glendale Plumber, Ben Franklin Plumbing talks with Pat McMahon. Okay, listen, stand by, if you will. Because we're talking about dangerous bathrooms in the valley of the sun with Linda...
Hello. My name is Tenisha Baca and I'm actually a faculty member here for the communication and world languages department at Glendale Community College. Before actually becoming a faculty...



JASON SKLAR: Today on the show, Michelle Obama, Justin Bieber, and the Glendale Bear. No, it's not the messiest three-way ever. It's the Tweekly News. And it starts right after we...
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The Glendale Civic Center is known for hosting thousands of conferences, trade shows, weddings and other events. Please welcome the Honorable Janice K Brewer, Governor of the state of Arizona. And...
Welcome to Arrowhead Ranch in Glendale, Arizona. Who says there's no water in the desert? Wasn't that a great home! This home is close to the 101 freeway, the Arrowhead Town Center and...
The Glendale Civic Center, an award-winning venue known for hosting conferences, trade shows, weddings and other events, Please welcome the honorable Janice K Brewer, Governor of the state of Arizona...
>>> Good evening. I'm José Cárdenas. We will talk about a program in Glendale making sports, mentors, and tutors accessible to teens and kids. Plus, learn about an ASU...
Hi i'm David Cantor with the Law Offices of David Michael Cantor. Today I'm going to talk about Glendale City arrests and what I mean by that is a DUI or a misdemeanor criminal case...
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