Co - Houston, TX A louver roofing system is a clever mechanism that is able to transform from a solid waterproof covering to an open garden trellis or pergola style covering offering light,...
DAVID A. CLEMEN: Okay. Now, we've sewn the two pieces together. We're going to press them apart and then we're going to press the fabric to the side that we want to topstitch...
How to Drill into Your Wall. Drilling into your wall while knowing where the studs are and not hitting any wires may seem daunting, but it's simple if you follow these steps. You will need...
I design buildings and this one in particular that we’re in right now. I knew I was going to live in this building. One place I would not allow compromise was the windows and doors. They were such an...
I feel it’s important for me to have a voice, being Canadian as well as knowing that the baby seals don’t have a voice. So I need to do what I can do in order to help. When I found out how many...
DAN RATHER: By a conservative estimate, some two-hundred thousand sharks a day are taken out of the ocean. That’s a little over seventy-three million a year. They take up the sharks, they take off...
What a bloom by TravelPod member malbet Such a great colour by TravelPod member malbet Enjoying the view? by TravelPod member malbet Peaceful by TravelPod member malbet The quartzite is everywhere by...
[ Measure: Shower Door, Inline Panel & Return Panel- In home w/level ] In this video we will demonstrate how measure for your new custom Coastal Door with an Inline and return panel. Start by...
(text on screen):, No Hassle Returns, Satisfaction Guaranteed, Since 2001, 800-897-7175 Here's how to install an overlap masonry door. First, we will install the brackets....