suits soces find uh... breakdown american liberalism into two that camps welfare liberals and technically i had craddock liberals uh... tell us ah... reiterate that distinction for us right though...
this s_l_ entrances bucky by west hills offers premium web hosting sis nineteen ninety-eight for the west coast dot com slash whitey for twenty five percent off westall's west coast westphal...
[ Silence ] >> You know, the question about how universities actually mold their students' expectations about work-life balance is a very interesting one. You know, where at...
There are many different mortgage products available out there and you definitely have to pick up the one that suits you best. But something I really like is CIBC's Home Power Plan. And the...
Well I think Green Prescription helps you because they want you to do, like first of all, say exercise for good health and then once they get you going I think that you're edged on to do more...
Well recently IBM has been quite active in the champions of change. Which is an Australian based initiative to look at organisations from the top down and making some very strong, strategic decisions...
So for Transgender Day of Remembrance this year my friend Hannah and I decided to give the school a "Gender Presentation" that explains "gender" and...
Haley Juanico: In the morning we say a prayer, before the sun rises, to our gods to help me in school and to be brave. Bonnie Vallo: I remember when we took you to Santa Fe. It was Children's...