Hi, I'm Karen for Expert Village. Now I would show you how to apply the yarn mane. Again, you want to measure from the tip of the nose seven inches from here and just mark it with a pen or a...
Hi I'm Karen for Expert Village. Now we are going to turn it right side out. Then we would be putting the eyes in there. Oops I have pin in there let me take that out. Just put your hand in...
Hi. I'm Karen for Expert Village. I'm going to take some stuffing and stuff my little pocket. And you want to stuff that fairly firm. Couple wads of, of fabric in there. Leave your...
Alright, so we got all our fruit cut and ready to go. We'll be ready to make our first Nutriblast. And we are making the Toxic Cleansing Blast as it's dubbed. The ingredients are as...
>>Sarah People recognize us everywhere because, we're like a little entity. We're known as the "Temple Twins." [music] >>Rachel This is...
Why pay for expensive repairs and home improvements when you can save time and money doing it yourself? Designed for do-it-yourselfers, The Family Handyman magazine is your step-by-step guide for...
Austin Sunroom https://www.precisionglasshouston.com/... 512-993-9176 Custom Patio Covers Austin Texas Many people fantasize about owning a house. And if they work hard enough they actually manage to...
This is our gutter cleaning demo video for homeowners. Gutter cleaning is a really important home maintenance task because it can save all kinds of --save you from damage to your house by water...