It is native to Central Asia, possibly from Kyrgyzstan (southeastern Siberia), from where it spread widely throughout Europe. Today garlic is grown in large scale more or less everywhere in the world....
Hello This Is Evan Da Enderman I'm Showing A Tutorial On Something Very Awesome! I'm Gonna Go Around This Because It Makes A lot Of Noise... So Down Here... By The Way I Am On Xbox And...



Living room and kitchen by TravelPod member linzstoker Bookcase and recliners by TravelPod member linzstoker Bedroom by TravelPod member linzstoker Toward bathroom by TravelPod member linzstoker...
[Music] [Narrator] UIC's Jane Addams Hull-House Museum runs an urban farm to foster a healthy bio-culture, just as the museum promotes a healthy social culture. The farm just harvested fifteen...
Hi, I'm Steve Groff from Cedar Meadow Farm located in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. I have pioneered the permanent cover-cropping system which utilizes crop rotations, cover crops, and a...
(Myrna Pearman) People love bluebirds because they are so beautiful; I think that's the simple answer. >>Smack dab in the middle of Alberta's heartland, on a pancake-flat...
>>Announcer This is a production of Temple University [London-themed music] >>Andrew The name of the exhibit is "WILDE!" The overall theme is capturing...
Hi, this is Yolanda Vanveen, and in this segment, we're going to learn all about how to take care of or how to grow an easter lily. Well, you get the easter lilies at easter time, and...
TEMCO's preserved flowers in glass containers Only the finest and best flowers are handpicked at large plantations. Flowers that do not reach our high level of quality are easily discarded....
Hi, this is Yolanda Vanveen and in this segment we're going to learn all about the Cape Fuchsia or Phygelius. Now the Cape Fuchsia is not a fuchsia in any way. It just has blooms that hang...