The National Botanical Garden is one of the nation's biggest treasure... ...Why? According to their website, one of their main roles is to protect the rarest plants in Wales. So, it was very...



On the 5th of June, which is in two weeks time... ...There's a rather special celebration. Queen Elizabeth the second will be celebrating her Diamond Jubilee. If you'd like to join in...
The Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis) is a lily of the nothern temperate zones. We can find it in wet forests and shady rocky lands. In the Iberian Peninsula it is rare and it's...
Now let's learn the Chinese word for violet, zi luo lan. Zi luo lan, the first character in English means purple, and this character is made up of two parts, this is the upper part. You need...



Welcome to Royal Flowers. Today we're going to introduce a new program for us, where we're going to offer our customers the option of shipping wet in addition to our traditional...
I’ve tried to write this book as a journey through Warwickshire When I say Warwickshire I also mean Coventry, Solihull and most of Eastern Birmingham because we use the old county of Warwickshire...
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YOLANDA VANVEEN: Hi. This is Yolanda Vanveen on behalf of Expert Village. Today, we're going to talk about what is a tuber and what is a rhizome and what do you do with these flower bulbs....



[music] >> PAULA GROSS: This is Bella, the Titan Arum, the most famous resident here at the McMillan Greenhouse. She bloomed for us the first time in 2007, July 2007, and that was a...
The beatiful coffee flower by TravelPod member candcsmith Ruiz coffee farm nursery by TravelPod member candcsmith These beans ¨the guessha¨ are the best by TravelPod member candcsmith Coffee being...