"Raw Broccoli and Bladder Cancer Survival" For years I've been presenting data on how we can best tune our diet to prevent cancer. What if you already have it?...
♪♪♪♪♪ ♪♪♪♪♪ ♪♪♪♪♪ ♪♪♪♪♪ ♪♪♪♪♪ ♪♪♪♪♪ ♪♪♪♪♪ Hi everybody. It's Doctor Shawn Talbott. Chief science officer for MonaVie. And welcome to another addition of "From the lab."...




Of the insects that make their living sucking the nectar of flowers, many have the ability to detect ultraviolet light. Insects known for this include most moths, and members of the white butterfly...
What has been used for centuries to cure everything from upset stomachs and raging fevers to sagging libidos? It’s not what you think….It’s chocolate! (Or rather, chocolate’s main ingredient…cocoa.)...
Allium cepa belongs to the liliaceae’s family, native to occidental Asia and Palestine, but it’s planted and used everywhere. It is a biennial plant, which in the first year the bulb develops, and in...
"Cancer Risk From CT Scan Radiation" The greatest radiation exposure risk comes not from Fukishima fallout or the polonium naturally found in seafood, but from doctors. This was the...
"Waist Circumference Less Than Half Your Height" Body mass index is a better predictor of disease than body weight, since it takes height into account. But it doesn't say...
"Benzene in Carrot Juice" Speaking of toxic chemicals, last year we learned that some soft drinks have benzene in them. Well, this year, another beverage was found to have benzene...
"EXERCISE & BREAST CANCER" We've known that physical activity can reduce breast cancer risk, and appears to work especially well at preventing estrogen-receptor...



“MELATONIN & BREAST CANCER” For billions of years, life on the planet Earth has evolved with about 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark. We discovered fire awhile ago, but have only been...