VOICE-OVER: For the cabinet, the Amsterdam Canal Parade was once again a celebration not to be missed. Minister Van Bijsterveldt and national and international figures sailed along the Amsterdam...
>>VERONICA: Lackey! >>TIMMY: Yes, Ms. van Gorp? >>VERONICA: Why is my door still not engraved? >>TIMMY: I've been looking for someone...
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Steve Carell plays a struggling Vegas magician who desperately needs a new act, and after seeing this, I'm convinced he still needs one. I'm Burt Wonderstone, and I'm Antone...
In a recent interveiw with IGN Ashraf Ismail, a director working on Assassins Creed IV Black Flag said that they want to depict a realistic, non-disnyfied version of pirates in the game. But what does...
Queenstown vue de notre chambre by TravelPod member jucco Queenstown vue de notre chambre 2 by TravelPod member jucco Queenstown montagne by TravelPod member jucco Le steamer centenaire by TravelPod...
[ Indistinct conversations ] He´s doing the rounds. He saw the Chekhov on Tuesday. He was at "The Dream" last night. -No. -Hmm? Yeah, there he was, third row from the back, head...
What can you tell our viewers as far as safety tips as they enjoy mother nature? Well, Mike, as you know, my thing is education. But the first thing you wanna do when you're going on your hike...